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Abortion Objections: "It's Just a Clump of Cells"

Refuting one of the most common objections brought up against protecting children in the womb

I’ve talked before about the reasons why Abortion is not just wrong; it’s pure evil. But many pro-choice advocates will object to this so that they can continue their support of child murder.

One of the most common objections that is brought to the table is this:

“The fetus is not a human in the early stages of development, it’s just a clump of cells. Therefore, abortion is just a medical procedure and shouldn’t be seen as murder.”

1. Biology Disagrees

A. When Does Human Life Begin?

The first problem with this objection is that we know human life begins at conception. Basic biology tells us that human life begins at fertilization. It is at fertilization that a unique set of human DNA is created. The only difference between adults and a fertilized egg is a matter of form, not kind.

‘“At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature.”

"When Human Life Begins" - American College of Pediatricians – March 2017

The very statement “It’s not a human” is simply untrue; it is 100% a human at fertilization.

B. You’re a Clump of Cells Too

The irony of this objection is that, adult humans are also a clump of cells. Saying that a baby is “just a clump of cells” draws no difference between an adult and the baby.

You and I are not made up of anything different than what that child in the womb is made of.

2. What is it Then?

But hold on, let’s be generous for a second. What if we really didn’t know that it was a human at conception. Maybe it’s not? What if it isn’t a human yet?

Then what is it exactly?

If it’s not a human at the fetus stage, then what it is? A monkey? Do women make chickens in their womb now?

When the sperm meets the egg, does it create a bird for a small portion of time until the second trimester, and then it turns into a human?

If you’re going to say that the fertilized egg is not a human, you’re going to have to tell me exactly what it is. The egg has DNA, it is not some neutral chemical mixture that zaps into a baby with organs 3 months later. It is the first step of a gradual journey of maturing as a…you guessed it…human.

3. The Waiting Game

Let’s keep being generous though, I don’t want to stomp on this objection too hard now. What if it wasn’t a human? Let’s say that, we knew with 100% certainty that the fertilized egg was NOT a human.

Let’s say that it was just a clump of cells for 6 months and then, boom, it became a human.

Well…we know that when a women gets pregnant, we expect what to happen? A baby. We do not expect the fertilized egg to be destroyed. That doesn’t mean every pregnancy perfectly works out, but the normal everyday expectation is that a baby will be grown and eventually born.

That means that, even if the fertilized egg wasn’t a human, we all know that it WILL become a human. That means you are still guilty of preventing that life from happening naturally by your FREE choice. You are willingly killing that baby.

So, even if we give this person what they want, a clump of cells, this objection is still ridiculous.

4. When Do Humans Become Valuable?

But you know what, I really think I’m being harsh. I don’t want to make pro-choice advocates think I’m being unfair here. Let’s give them one more thing.

Let’s just say that the fertilized egg is not a human, and, it has no value at that stage. Theoretically, it’s perfectly acceptable to destroy it.

Let’s grant that the fetus doesn’t have any value.

When do they become valuable exactly?

  • Is it when they are 4 months in the womb? 6 months? 9 months?

  • Is it when they have enough organs developed?

  • Is it when they have the ability to think?

  • Is it when they leave the womb?

I mean what makes a human valuable in the first place?

God makes humans valuable. He made us in his own image at the creation of the world.

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.” 

27 So God created man in his own image; 

he created him in the image of God; 

he created them male and female. 

Ge 1:26–27.

Since we know that human life is valuable, and we know human life starts at conception (when the sperm meets the egg), we know that destroying any human in the womb, regardless of age, is murder.

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