Evolution Absurdity Part 1: The Problem of Governance
A major problem with the theory of evolution and why you should be skeptical
A lot of people, both Christians and unbelievers, hold to the theory of evolution. For Christians, it’s a very simple Biblical debate, but what about unbelievers?
Isn’t evolution a proven scientific fact? It’s in all the textbooks, that means it’s true, right? In this series of posts, I’m going to cover the major problems that have faced the theory of evolution from the beginning.
Today I’ll be talking about the problem of governance.
Evolution Defined
In this post, I’ll be using the term “Evolution” to refer to neo-darwinian evolution. This is the view that, over billions of years, all life evolved from a single celled organism that, in itself, appeared from non-life.
Basically, our ancestors are plants 🙂
The Problem of Governance
Here’s the problem of governance written out:
1. If evolution is true, there must have been a governing force or mind guiding the process.
2. On the atheist worldview, there is no governing force or mind to guide anything.
3. Therefore, evolution cannot be true
Given the complexity required for evolution, saying it happened from random events is not just a stretch; it’s absurd.
Let’s flesh out the details of why you would need some sort of governing force or mind to control evolution.
1. Life is Finite
The age of the universe given to us by secular scientists is 14 billion years. God’s word has a different story, but let’s grant it for now.
With evolution, most people just assume that with billions of years, at some point, life could have evolved. Maybe by the 1-2 billion year mark, some fish would start forming wings and try to fly, right?
Even if we grant 14 billion years, it doesn’t matter, because no life form has actually been alive for billions of years. For example, a modern day fish may live for 5-30 years. Let’s be generous and say all fish live 100 years.
In 100 years, do we really believe it’s possible for a major biological change to occur in the middle of an organisms life? Does a 20 year old lizard begin to tell itself “hmmm, wings would be nice, let me start making these now".
Well, let’s not get hasty, maybe there’s some evidence for this? Maybe we’re missing something?
There’s not.
There is zero observable evidence of an animal turning into a different species. We would expect to find this evidence easily given the fact that all animals have limited life spans.
The sheer amount of evolutionary activity that would need to happen for any lifeforms in the past to evolve how they supposedly did in such a short period of time, would require an external mind guiding it.
Natural Selection vs Adding Genetic Information
I want to be clear, many people associate natural selection with evolution. Natural selection is not evolution, it’s just how reproduction works.
Quick Example of Natural Selection
Dogs with long hair and short hair are living in a cold environment. Naturally the short-haired dogs die off because they got too cold. The only dogs left are long haired, and they reproduce. Over time, only long haired dogs are living there.
But you see, the short haired dogs didn’t change into long haired dogs, they just died. It’s just a process of elimination, a system that God has incorporated in his design of nature.
But, with evolution, that’s not what we’re talking about. Were talking about lifeforms literally adding genetic information into their DNA to form into a different species.
There’s only 2 ways you can get a species turning into another species.
Adding genetic information from birth
Adding genetic information mid-life
Let’s grant that, if you lived long enough, your body could eventually begin to evolve.
When did new DNA enter the picture? Did the Mom lizard decide she wanted better for her kids and decide to inject new DNA that would make her kids have wings into her eggs?
Or…hold on…maybe in the middle of the Mom lizards life, she was able to begin creating wings on her body, but they were just unfinished! She willed those little nubs to pop out of her torso, now we just need some more generations of evolution and we’ll be a bird!
This is a major problem with evolution. The child of the parent is simply taking on the core DNA code that the parent had. Although there is no observable evidence of DNA ever being added over time to a specific species, we’re told that, well, it happened, trust us! 🙂
For genetic information to not only be added to organisms at any part of their life, but to do so in such a sneaky way that we wouldn’t see any evidence of it…it’s unbelievable…literally.
Nature Doesn’t ‘Select’ Anything
Whats the other problem with this DNA issue? Let’s grant that we had observable evidence that DNA has been added to a specific species over time.
Who exactly is deciding to start this process?
Is it the animal? Can the animals themselves think logically and force their DNA to begin making changes?
Well…if as a human, at the top of the food chain, I can’t make my body change even slightly at will…how much less an animal who can’t even think to even want to change their body?
Well hold on hold on, what about nature! Nature selects it! All of these changes we see in evolution are for survival value and nature simply selects the fittest to survive.
Nature doesn’t select anything.
Nature is a concept. Nature is an inanimate label we give to creation. If nature is a personal divine mind that sovereignly wills for it’s organisms to do better, that wouldn’t sound very atheist would it?
Even further, these “mutations” that somehow add DNA even though there is no observable evidence to justify it…they are not for survival value. There is no reason a single celled organism would evolve because it would survive better. In fact, single celled organism have a reputation for living forever.
Why would they give up their eternal dwelling place of single-celled ness to step into a multi-cellular form.
The Real Issue
The real problem is that our society wants evolution to be true. They want it so desperately. But why?
Human autonomy. You see, if evolution is true, we literally evolved from the random mutations of a faceless, person-less universe made up of gases.
There’s no right or wrong, there is no true or false, there is no order…
As Richard Dawkins accurately said being the atheist he is:
The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.
Richard Dawkins
If that’s really true, then humans can do whatever they want. We don’t have to follow anyones law, we are our own God.
Sound familiar?
4“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. 5“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”
6The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. 7At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.
Gen 3:4-7
The truth is, we are all under the authority of Christ. Some are in Christ and sealed for eternal life, and some are under judgement, sealed for eternal destruction.
If you do not currently follow Jesus, you’re grabbing onto evolution for dear life, or your desire is to glorify yourself instead of God…
The question you have to ask yourself is this;
How much longer can you deceive yourself before you find out what the truth is?
Because on the last day, deception will be no more, and there will be nothing hidden that will not be made known.
For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light
Luke 8:17