Many atheists claim that evolution is a proven scientific fact. If you disagree, they usually laugh, and go on to say things like:
“You’re one of those Bible thumpers aren’t you? You believe Noah and the arc too, right?”
But what if I told you that evolution was such a bad theory, that if an 8th grader presented it for his final project, he would get expelled from school for how irrational it was?
Well, that’s true, and I’m going to show you why in the next few posts. Today, we’re going to talk about how survival of the fittest is nothing more than a tautology.
Recent Posts from the Devolved Series
Natural Selection is Real
Before we get too critical of our evolutionist friends, I want to remind you that natural selection is 100% true.
“…Basically, natural selection is the principle that organisms that have traits well-suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce in greater numbers than organisms with traits that are not well-suited to their environment. In extreme cases, the organisms that are less suited to their environment are driven to extinction.”1
Here's a fake example, imagine 2 types of dogs. One has short hair, one has long hair.
These dogs live in a very cold environment, so naturally, the dog with the long hair genes survives longer, and the dog with short hair dies. The short hair dog has not left any children, since he died :(
The long-haired dog however left many children, since he did survive. This is a genetic process that God built into his creation, which is responsible for the vast amount of diversity we see.
But did you notice something in the example I gave?
Both dogs were Dogs.
They didn't transform into a new species of animal over thousands and millions of years. They immediately pass down genes to their dog children.
Natural Selection Stolen
Unfortunately, natural selection got kidnapped into the regime of gradual evolution. Using natural selection as a foundation, evolutionists claim that animals evolved based on their environment.
Giraffes started with short necks, but then one awesome giraffe had a 10-foot neck because "why not", and that giraffe ate more food and survived.
At the surface, this might actually make sense too, but the problem is, if the environment sucks, animals don't stick around for millions of years and change their bodies, they move.
Those short-necked giraffes would have just found shorter trees. This is not only more practical, it's actually within the mental capacity of the animal.
If giraffes can't even talk to me, why would I expect them to think "Gee wiz, I need to grow a longer neck" and then even crazier, actually grow longer necks on demand.
Useless Organs
Another thing we're told is that mutations (like long necks) "stick around" because they're advantageous for the animal.
But, the theory of evolution also tells us that it was a gradual process over a long period of time.
So...let's see how this works on the human heart. The human heart evolved over many years slowly and gradually...but the only reason the heart continued to evolve is because the earliest versions of it were still advantageous.
Question...what's the advantage of a 1/3rd developed heart? What would a non-functioning heart do for you? How about lungs? What was the use of the 1/10th developed lungs vs the 1/5th developed lungs?
This idea is ridiculous because all of the systems we observe in nature (including our own bodies) have very specific purposes.
They are designed to do certain things. Many of these systems would be useless if they didn't have every single component functioning all in one shot.
I highly recommend watching this amazing video2 about the 4D design of DNA. This is just one example of how impossible it would be to gradually develop a system as complex as this, via random mutation.
Survival of the Survivors
Another thing we're told about gradual evolution is what's called the survival of the fittest. Basically, the fittest versions of a biological form are going to survive.
Question; how do you test that hypothesis? Let's take an example by Dr. Greg Bahnsen.3
Let's say we have 2 wolves, with a mutational difference. One has stronger hind quarters. You might think "that makes that wolf more fit for survival! It'll get fed more, and it'll have more offspring!"
It's also possible that the mutated hind quarters on this wolf put a strain on its heart, so overtime, that wolf dies early from a heart attack.
The reason is, biological systems work together, you can't just take one part in isolation. As mutations change certain systems, those changes can negatively affect other systems.
In order to test "survival of the fittest", you have to be able to identify which forms are the fittest first, and then predict that those fittest forms would survive, and wait to see what happens.
But how do you identify which forms are the fittest? Well…you wait and see which ones survive.
But why did it survive? Because it was the fittest. How do you know it's the fittest? Because it survived.
So...Darwin’s grand theory boils down to this;
The creatures that survive are the ones that will survive
Thanks Darwin 👀
The Real Issue
So, if Darwin’s theory is circular, why do people continue to push the theory of evolution as if it’s a proven scientific fact?
Because it's a path to escape the wrath of God.
If evolution is true, that means that there is no personal God behind the design of the universe. No personal God…no justice…no justice…
No judgement.
We have been serving the creature rather than the creator, and that's an easy God to deal with.
…because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator…
Romans 1:25
We’re Not Done
So evolutionists tell us that the most fit lifeforms survive, and that is how evolution gradually progresses. But as we’ve seen today, this entire theory is circular and untestable.
But that’s not the only problem with evolution. Next week, we’re going to talk about how evolutionists turn “nature” into God.
Survival of the Survivors: Devolved Part 8