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Christian Government & Criminalizing Abortion Controversy

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22)

Become a bold Christian that plunders satan’s kingdom

Last week, one of my notes “did the rounds” and I had a few people get really hung up on 2 items; criminalizing abortion, and the role of the government.

One of the commenters wrote out a longer response, and I thought it brought up a lot of what I hear in the larger Christian culture about these issues. I wanted to respond to it so that you could judge for yourselves. I’ve broken up the comment piece by piece to make it digestible.

Jesus was a perfect jew, but Jesus was also the son of God who came to fulfill the law. His answer was not “nice try, but they need two witnesses.” Christ did not demure from swinging a sword during his first coming so that you could.

  • Jesus wasn’t a civil magistrate. He came to obey the law perfectly. The law that he made. The same law that indeed upholds justice to the fatherless, the widows, the victims (of adultery).

  • Here’s a helpful article about the casting the first stone

Everyone is a victim of sin. A mass murderer on death row is a victim of sin.

  • Nobody is a “victim” of sin. If God punished people for something they didn’t deserve he would be unjust. If we were “victims” of sin, then why doesn’t get let us off the hook?

If this was the theocracy you Christian Nationalists desired, they would need to be allowed their freedom based on their salvation, otherwise “God forgives you but we don't” kinda flies in the face of a God-ruled country… Unless, of course, the real motivating factor behind Christian Nationalism, just like most heresies, is self-deism.

  • This is a straw man. Christian nationalists don’t believe the government should be forcing people to Christ through the sword, they should be upholding God’s justice, in the jurisdiction of the civil magistrate, given the law of God itself.

  • Forgiveness has nothing to do with societal order. Over and over again Israel is condemned for not protecting the fatherless, not pleading the widows cause, they literally have blood guilt.

God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.

Psalm 82:1–3

  • I preach the gospel at the abortion clinic, I don’t condemn women. But one day when it’s illegal to murder babies, women won’t do it in the first place, shedding less innocent blood. That’s loving our neighbor.

Last Sunday I had the great honor and privilege of meeting, escorting, and learning from two sisters in christ who work at one of the largest pregnancy resource centers in the country. I can assure you, they are at the ragged edge of the front lines in the battle to save the lives of the voiceless, and I can doubly assure you that they are not demanding the blood of the guilty.

  • I’m glad that they have the opportunity to persuade women with the word of God to not murder their baby. That’s what I do too. However, many women wouldn’t even go murder their baby is it was illegal.

  • Unlike a pregnancy resource center, which can sometimes have women who are “making the decision still”, when I go to abortion clinics, these women are set on killing their child. Most women hear us, they still go in, and they murder their child. Look up the doctrine of blood guilt, it’s a biblical theme.

  • The blood of those children cries out to God. Women who commit abortion are not victims, they are murderers who need Christ just as much as we ourselves do. But First, you have to call it murder, and you have to realize you’re a murderer.

So therefore, if the perpetrator of an abortion were to be saved, according your desire to see God's law here on earth, they would not deserve death because their sins would be covered by Christ.

  • Someones standing before God and someones standing before society are 2 totally different things. The reason murder and rape are illegal in our country is because it’s wrong. But where does that come from? Secular humanism sure doesn’t care about the sanctity of life. It comes from God’s law. Our country was built on Christian foundations. If you’d like to keep God out of government, you should be totally okay with murder, rape, and theft being legalized, and more crime being committed.

We have no business calling for the repentance of people who don't believe in God. That is anti-biblical and doesn't even make any sense. We are to love and share the gospel with people who don't believe in God. Repentance we are to demand from fellow Christians who have fallen into sin and heresy.

  • We don’t call unbelievers to repentance? The first part of the gospel is that man is on his way to an eternal fire and that we need to repent. What gospel are you preaching?

We pray for the country (sometimes even in the closet, Matt. 6:6), and we vote according to God and his perfect Law.

  • Vote what exactly? for LGBTQ+ baby murder representatives? Or Godly ones? and Why?

We show the lost God's love, spread the Gospel, and don't budge on scripture, even the parts that fly in the face of our self-deistic desire to sit in the judgement seat and be the physical hammer of God's wrath here on earth.

  • We are not trying to become God, we are trying to uphold justice for the fatherless

  • The civil magistrate is an avenger of Gods wrath on earth

For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.

Romans 13:3–4

  • It doesn’t say “he’s God’s minister to do evil” or “he’s God’s minster to force people to believe in Jesus.” It’s very, very specific, an avenger of God’s wrath.

1 Cor 5:12 says “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?”

  • The church itself has the jurisdiction of church discipline, which is what Paul is referring to here. This has nothing to do with the completely separate role of the civil magistrate, who’s jurisdiction is not church discipline, but the sword against public evil.

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Putting the gospel into conflict with our evil culture