Pro-Birth, Anti-Life: The GOP's Child Welfare Hypocrisy

From anti-abortion crusades to shrugging at child care—because who needs health care or food, right?


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Hey, thanks for the comment Patrice. To clarify, it sounds like your argument is:

"Starving and dismembering babies whenever I want without apology is absolutely acceptable because I support government programs that support born children."

Did I get that right?

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This is an excellent presentation Joe. Without justice, there is chaos.

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I tire of pseudo Christians mixing apples and oranges. Forgiveness of one’s sins does not remove the civil penalty that must be paid. I challenge anyone to prove this lie with Scriptural Authority. A murderer awaiting his PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATING CIVIL LAW, does not have the penalty removed if he repents and believes on the Lord Jesus before the sentence is administered. Women know they are extinguishing life - their own child - when they opt for abortion. It is a murder and a woman who willingly participates in this crime is as responsible, legally, as the doctor who performs the torture and murder. Also, claiming ignorance is never a valid argument for removing civil penalty for violating law. You cannot claim justification by Chris’s blood and then participate in violation of Biblical and Moral law.

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