
Dinosaurs Less Than 10,000 Years Old: Devolved Part 6

The brainwashing is over, it's time to take back dinosaurs

Many atheists claim that evolution is a proven scientific fact. If you disagree, they usually laugh, and go on to say things like:

“You’re one of those Bible thumpers aren’t you? You believe Noah and the arc too, right?”

But what if I told you that evolution was such a bad theory, that if an 8th grader presented it for his final project, he would get expelled from school for how irrational it was?

Well, that’s true, and I’m going to show you why in the next few posts. Today, we’re going to talk about how dinosaurs have been kidnapped and used to brainwash the masses that the evolutionary timeline is true.

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They Start ‘em Early

It would be weird if you hadn’t already heard the “150 million years ago dinosaurs walked the planet” spiel by now. Most of us get this imported in our brain at an early age when we’re buying our first dino toys.

These are big numbers…100’s of millions of years. Are dinosaurs really that old? Certainly if they were, that would support the evolutionary theory.

Well I’m here to tell you that, no, they’re not. Dinosaurs have been kidnapped by the evolutionists to push their unsupported, pagan philosophy. Today we’re going to see that dinosaurs are quite young.

How Old are Dinosaurs?

How old are dinosaurs? Surprisingly enough, there is no label on fossils when we find them. Scientists can’t just run an experiment and then “Eureka! Its 70 million years old!”

The age of dinosaurs is a historical science question. The problem is, evolutionists just assume the age of fossils by comparing the depth the bones were found with their assumptions about how old those rock layers are.1

To prove to you that these assumptions are incorrect, we’re going to take Mount St. Helens as an example.

Mount St. Helens

In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted2. Here’s a quick description of what it was like:

As the land slid away, molten rock at temperatures reaching 1700° F (925° C) exploded water into steam and blasted out over the northern landscape. Within seconds, this blast cloud destroyed 200 square miles (515 km2) of forests—ripping up some areas and tossing the trees about in the sediment, blowing over other trees and stripping the leaves and limbs off those furthest away from the blast. The blast cloud spread out over the land at speeds over 650 mph (1,040 km/h).3

Credit history.com

In 1992, just over 10 years after it’s eruption, a sample was taken on a lava dome at Mount St Helens.4

The dating method the researchers used was the potassium-argon method (widely used in geological circles). The laboratory was not told that the specimen was only 10 years old.

You would think the results should at least come back as a very young age. Right?

Well, they didn’t. The projected age using this method, of this 10 year old sample, ranged from 340,000 to 2.8 million years.

If we can’t trust this method to date rocks of known age, why would we trust it with rocks of unknown age?

DNA Decay

Moving further, A study5 was done to determine how quickly DNA will decay in bone. They found that, even under the best possible conditions, DNA will only last at max about 10,000 years.

Well…researchers found DNA in a dinosaur skull.6 The “supposed” age of the dinosaur by secular standards was 75,000,000 years old. If DNA can only last at max, 10,000 years…but the “age” of the dinosaur is 75,000,000, how is that possible?

It’s possible because this dinosaur isn’t 75M years old. That number is a guess based off of evolutionist assumptions. The dinosaur was likely buried from the global flood a little over 4,000 years ago, which makes sense of the DNA found.

Evan Saitta with the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago had this to say

These organic materials... are understood to be among the least stable biomolecules over long periods of time and under the heat of deep burial during fossilization. However, it is the extreme age of the samples that is striking. This 75-million-year-old fossil is, at least, one or two orders of magnitude older than the expected preservation limits of DNA and proteins.7

Soft Tissue in a T-Rex

Moving further, a researcher found red blood cells and soft tissue from a T-Rex femur.8 It’s literally still elastic. Could these last millions of years in these conditions? Of course not.

Non-Existent Fossil Evidence

We’re also told about the Dinosaur family tree like the one shown below. This is what the evolutionary storyline tries to portray. The White filling is where there is actual fossil evidence, the grey area is where there are evolutionist assumptions.

What do you notice? There’s no evidence in the transitioning sections. If you remove all the grey, you simply get evidence for the creation account in genesis.

The Real Issue

With the presence of DNA in fossils, the fossil record itself, and the unreliable dating methods that evolutionists use, all the data confirms the biblical timeline, not the millions of years we are spoon fed from childhood.

So why do evolutionists continue to push the Dinosaur story of millions of years? Because boy that would be convenient, wouldn’t it? Imagine if evolution were true and you and I could just do what we wanted?

The reality is, God made dinosaurs at the same time he made all of the other land animals. And as we learned last week, God also judged the world with water just over 4,000 years ago.

This judgement was an image of the judgement to come, where all men will reap what they have sown.

We’re Not Done

So dinosaurs are touted as some of the foundational evidence of gradual evolution. But as we’ve seen today, dinosaurs aren’t really that old at all, they’re quite young.

But the question is, if dinosaurs aren’t millions of years old…what exactly happened to them? That’s what we’ll cover next week.