
Pro-Choice Arguments Refuted for 45 Minutes

It's time to put these pro-baby-murder talking points to bed

Pro-choice advocates that defend legal baby murder have their fair share of objections to criminalizing abortion. But are any of them good? Is there ever an okay time to kill a baby? No.

Today I’ll be refuting the 20 most common pro-choice arguments I hear and why they’re all very bad.

Be a bold Christian that plunders satan’s kingdom

1. What if she was raped / involved in incest?

A. The Other 97 Percent

Let's just grant that you could murder your baby if it were because of rape or incest.

Rape, incest, and medical complications make up less than 3% of abortions

Would Pro-Choicers now be okay with abortion being illegal for the other 97 percent of cases? Of course not, so you should argue from your actual position, that murdering a baby is okay, all the time, as long as their in the womb.

B. What Makes Rape Wrong?

Well, it’s a violation of someone else's body without their permission…

But yet, we can violate the body of a defenseless baby who can't even breathe on their own in response?

C. Killing Children for the Crime of Their Fathers

So instead of focusing on the evil man who raped a woman and who deserves death, why don't we just kill the innocent baby in the womb?

16 “Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Dt 24:16.

D. Born Through Unfortunate Means = Less Value?

No, just because someone was born from an incest relationship or rape does not mean they are worth so little that they should be killed.

E. “But rapists are never found, so they won’t be convicted”

So since we can’t find the person who actually committed the crime, we should murder a defenseless baby because we can find them?

2. What about the life of the mother / ectopic pregnancy

A. Who is Worth More?

Mothers are not worth more than their children because they're older and bigger. The goal is for both the mother and the child to be saved.

B. Early Deliveries Are Not Voluntary Murder

In the event of an emergency pregnancy (<3% of abortions) where the mother's life is in danger, the medical staff's goal is to rescue 2 lives, not one. They are not voluntarily murdering one person for convenience.

C. What about ectopic pregnancies?

Until these medical advances become possible for all women, the removal of ectopic pregnancies is a matter of life and death. Sadly, a child will not survive the removal of an ectopic pregnancy because she is too young to survive outside the womb at this stage. However, the purpose of removing her from her mother’s womb is not to kill her, but instead, the purpose is to preserve life.1

3. What if the baby will have birth defects or abnormalities?

Should we kill born people with birth defects and abnormalities? The answer is no, so why should we be able to kill pre-born people with abnormalities? The argument is essentially “This person is different from us, so we should be able to kill it.” We should care for people who have these birth defects, not slaughter them.

4. My body my choice

Some will argue that abortion is ok because it’s the Mother’s choice to do so. This is because the baby is seen as inside the Mother’s body, so it’s the mothers body.

A. Yes, that’s the Point

Every human should have a choice over what is done to their body. We're defending the bodies of the babies who are going to be killed.

B. It’s Not Your Body

It's not your body, it’s your baby's body. If it were your body, YOU would die.

C. Choice to Do What Exactly?

If I can translate here, what you're saying is:

"If I want to murder a defenseless human, that's my choice!"

Can you imagine if rapists used this argument?

I get pleasure from raping other people, so its my body we're talking about. My body, My choice!

5. What if the baby will have an illness shortly after birth?

We are all going to die at some point. Those of us who are going to die later do not have the right to voluntarily with intervention take the life of someone sooner. Cancer patients who have days to live don’t give healthy people the right to murder them. Human life should be protected by law from conception until natural death.

6. What if the child ends up in foster care?

A. Born Kids

There’s around 400K kids in foster care in the U.S right now. Should we murder all of them?

Usually they reply back “No, we should reform the foster care system, but until we do, this is the best option”

The followup to that is I agree we should reform the foster care system, because it makes sense on the Christian worldview (image of God), but why does it make sense on your worldview? In the same way we should care for children who are already in foster care, we should care for those pre-born children in the womb.

B. Double Injustice

Just because there is injustice in 1 area of life (foster care issues) doesn’t mean we should allow injustice in another area (murdering pre-born babies).

That’s like a rapist saying “Well if I didn’t rape that women, she would have walked down to the back alley and purchased drugs, I was doing her a favor”

Using certain illegal drugs can do a lot of damage to a person, but rape is far worse. In the same way, murdering your baby is far worse than the potential problems with the foster care system.

Why Abortion?

A followup question they may ask is “Why aren’t you advocating for reforming the foster care system instead of abortion?”

The practical answer is, there isn’t enough time fight every single injustice by myself, that’s why God has made many people, with many different gifts.

The foundational question you can ask them is “Is it wrong for the American Cancer Society to only focus on curing cancer?” They will usually reply “No, because they’re the ACA.” Well, I’m “anti-abortion”, so that’s what I’m focusing on.

7. What if the child could have a bad life or be abused?

There are plenty of born children who are in poverty or in a situation where they could be abused in the future. The solution isn’t to abuse them to death by murdering them. Instead, we should remove the child from the situation, and prosecute the abuser. You don’t help someone by murdering them.

8. It’s just a clump of cells.

A. You Are Too

We are all just a clump of cells. It’s wrong to murder human organisms, regardless of how many cells they’re composed of.

B. Biology Disagrees

‘“At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature.”2

C. If It’s Not a Human…

What is it then?

If it’s not a human at fertilization, but it has DNA, and the sperm and the egg came from 2 human parents…what exactly is this fertilized egg? A chicken? A fish? Do women create lizards in their wombs now?

9. Why don’t you help the kids who are “here” first?

  1. Where is “Here”?

  2. The pre-born children I’m advocating for are indeed “here.” If they weren’t here, these women wouldn’t be considering an abortion, there’s nothing to abort.

  3. I don’t give special value to humans based on their location. If someone said they don’t think people in Venezuela are “here”, and that it should be ok to murder everyone in Venezuela, you probably wouldn’t support that effort would you?

  4. The pre-born child is already “here” and the mother is already a mother. The question is, will she love her child, or will she murder it?

10. The baby isn’t conscious yet / doesn’t have the ability to be conscious

A. “They do not have consciousness yet

  • If an adult is unconscious for a surgery, can you murder them? Obviously not, so it must be something other than consciousness that gives someone a right to life.

  • Some will say “Well you can’t kill someone who’s unconscious in a surgery because they will be conscious in the future. Well…that’s true for a child in the womb too.

  • Usually pro-choicer’s shift on to “well, the difference is that they’ve had consciousness in the past, the baby hasn’t had consciousness yet at all.”

    • Says who? You? We know that humans are valuable because they are made in the image of God, and God also values humans while they are in the womb, AND before.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 139:13

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:16

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

B. “The Capacity for Consciousness”

Some people say that if the baby doesn’t have the “equipment” for consciousness (ie. a brain, etc). Once again, why? Says who?

They may respond: “Most people value consciousness of other humans”

You can then ask them if they think ethics/morality is subjective and determined by popularity.

If Yes: They have no problem with the slave trade, or the holocaust, because that was just the subjective opinion of those people at that time, and was backed by the government of both of those people groups.

If No: Then you can ask them “Why is it objective then? Why, on your worldview, SHOULD I do anything?”

11. Life support / brain dead

People who are brain dead are legally dead because their bodies are no longer capable of acting in a coordinated manner such that the parts work for the good of the whole. Brain dead peoples bodies decompose apart from life support.

It may be ethical to keep a brain dead (dead) persons body on life support if they are on the organ donor list and their organs can be given to someone in need. This individual will never have brain activity in the future.

This is not the case with the child in the womb. The baby is in a growth stage of development, even though they don’t have a brain yet. When someone is brain dead, they have an irreversible loss of all functions of the entire brain.

This is not what pre-born babies have. If it was, none of us would ever be born, but funny enough you and I are reading this right now.

12. What about miscarriages?

Miscarriage is a natural event, this does not justify intentional murder.

13. Women should be able to choose

To do what exactly? Murder another women in cold blood?

14. Consenting to sex isn’t consenting to pregnancy

That’s obviously false. That’s like you buying a lottery ticket, and then saying “I only consented to winning.” No, you consented to winning and losing, and whether you win or lose is out of your control. Just as absurd as it would be for someone with a losing lottery ticket to demand the billion dollar jackpot because they lost, likewise it’s absurd for a women who engaged in consensual sex to demand that she can murder her child after she finds out she got pregnant.

Even further, children are a blessing from the LORD, not a hinderance or inconvenience.

Psalm 127:3–5

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

15. What if the child is unwanted

So it’s ok to murder children that are unwanted? What if a mother decides after careful consideration that she wants to murder her 3 year old, would that be acceptable?

Children are not valuable because they are wanted, they are valuable because they are made in the image of God and God commands us not to murder.

16. Persistent vegetative state (PVS)

PVS is different than brain dead. 10-24% of patients with PVS can regain consciousness. We should care for them as humans made in the image of God, not kill them.

People in PVS have higher brain activity in response to hearing their own name versus someone else’s name, they’re not dead.

Additionally, if the family does pull the plug on the PVS patient, they’re simply letting nature take its course. If the person got into the PVS situation because of a horrible car accident, then the car accident is what kills them when the plug is pulled.

In contrast, abortion is not letting the process of pregnancy that God designed and upholds take its course, its intentionally stopping it with horrific means.

17. If a zygote is a human, soul, so is a sperm

Sperms by themselves are not human organisms, eggs by themselves are not human organisms, once a sperm fertilizes an egg, a unique human organism is formed, made in the image of God. A zygote is the first cell of that unique human being.

18. What if the woman is not ready to be a mother?

The woman is already a mother, there is a child in her womb. The question now is, will she be a loving and caring mother that takes care of her child, or will she be the mother of a dead child that she murdered?

19. You're pro birth, not pro-life

We’re anti-murder. Children are a blessing from the Lord, and married couples should be fruitful and multiply. Unmarried couples however should not be engaging in intercourse

Once a mother is pregnant, whether married or not, we are pro-birth for that child because the alternative is death.

20. You don't have a uterus

If I did, would you agree with me?


Then why don’t you agree?

Actual argument begins

Gender does not affect something being right or wrong.

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