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Sex for No Reason: Devolved Part 7

If gradual evolution were true, we should never have evolved in the first place.

Many atheists claim that evolution is a proven scientific fact. If you disagree, they usually laugh, and go on to say things like:

“You’re one of those Bible thumpers aren’t you? You believe Noah and the arc too, right?”

But what if I told you that evolution was such a bad theory, that if an 8th grader presented it for his final project, he would get expelled from school for how irrational it was?

Well, that’s true, and I’m going to show you why in the next few posts. Today, we’re going to talk about how sex organs refute the idea of gradual evolution.

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Bacteria Are Better

On the theory of evolution, we’re told that lifeforms that are more adept to their environment survive, and those that are not as adept, die out.

That means evolution is preferable to lifeforms who multiply the most. The more kids you have, the more likely you’ll last and survive in the environment you’re in.

Well if that’s true, then why did lifeforms evolve beyond the bacterial stage?1 You see, bacteria multiply very quickly, through division.2 Elementary school children get bacteria to grow in their classroom, it’s not hard.

And yet…there’s all of these animals we see that have very complicated ways of having children. They need to have sex in order to have babies.

What’s the problem? Intercourse complicates having children. Instead of having thousands or millions of children like bacteria can, animals that require sex are now reduced down to a handful of kids. Why was that advantageous?

The reality is, on evolution’s own terms, if lifeforms evolved into complex life solely on the basis for survival, evolution wouldn’t have happened. We would have just stayed bacteria forever.

Useless Sex

But let’s be generous, we don’t want to be too harsh here. Let’s just say that, for some reason, mutations started to happen and bacteria lifeforms began to evolve.

And then let’s go further and say, somewhere along the line, they began to evolve with genatalia (sex organs).

Question; what is the advantage of having sex organs that don’t function?

Remember, these organs evolved gradually over time (otherwise, it’s just a creation account). For example, that means at one point, a male bacteria had partially created male genatalia, without anyway to use it to reproduce.

Why? Why would bacteria keep on with this partially created male genatalia if it served no purpose.

Until the whole sex system is in place and a male and female come together successfully…there’s no use for sex organs.

Male & Female Madness

But let’s keep going for a minute. Let’s say, for some reason, bacteria evolved with non-functioning versions of male and female genatalia.

How long is a female human woman fertile for? Well usually around 40 years right?

Let’s be generous and just say 100 years. We have 100 years for a woman to be able to get pregnant.

Evolutionists want us to believe that in this narrow window of 100 years, a male AND a female had functioning genatalia, simultaneously, knew what to do with that genatalia, had intercourse, and successfully reproduced from it?

And after that random miracle of mutation, they decided, for no other reason, to keep doing it? Do you know what we call ideas like these?

extremely or utterly foolish or silly

We’re Not Done

So evolutionists tell us that lifeforms that reproduce the most are the ones most adept to survive. But as we’ve seen today, if this was true, we should never have evolved in the fist place.

But that’s not the only problem with evolution. Next week, we’re going to talk about survival of the fittest.

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